This professional learning program is put together to support senior leaders in building effective working conditions, trusting relationships with teachers, and developing talent. The curated series of six recorded sessions provides senior leaders of schools with the flexibility to view the content online at their own pace. Each session offers participants practical tools and reflective opportunities to connect with their unique context and professional practice. 

Session Content

Session 1: Introduction to the program: An Overview

Session 2: Building a high trust environment

Session 3: Maintaining a high trust environment

Session 4: Developing leadership in others and talent management

Session 5: Creating a collaborative professional culture: Professional learning communities (PLCs)

Session 6: Building resilience to overcome stress: Physical, emotional and organizational resilience


Pre and post assessment:

  • A self-assessment leadership rubric provides participants with an opportunity to gauge where they are and set measurable goals at the start of the program. It is recommended that the rubric is completed before starting the program and at the end of the program.

During the program:

  • Each session has reflection tasks for participants to make connections with their professional practice. 

At the end of the program:

  • Participate in a 45-minute interview to share your experience with the program. 

All senior leaders who are currently working as Principals, Vice-principals, Heads and Deputy Heads of school with responsibilities to oversee either the whole school or designated sections of the school, such as elementary (e.g., kindergarten to grade six) within a K-12 school in private or public schools in the UAE.

Mode of Delivery

About Instructor

+30 enrolled
Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 6 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate