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Creating Authentic and Meaningful Assessments

Charlton B. Hudnell, M.Ed. · August 25, 2021

We are in an inspiring place in education. Teachers are intentionally thinking about every aspect of teaching and learning in their classrooms. Classrooms are being transformed into laboratories where teachers are trying new pedagogies, protocols, reflection tools, and any tool they believe will help them reach their students where they are on their learning journeys and connect their learning to the world outside the classroom. One of the most challenging aspects of this planning, learning, and creating, however, is creating meaningful assessments that truly and deeply highlight learning.

Assessment always seems to be the most challenging component of teaching. Unlike teaching itself, traditional assessments have not changed drastically over the course of the last decade. For some teachers, the true purpose of assessment remains unclear and finding ways to teach through the assessment can be even more challenging. Creating meaningful assessments is an incredibly difficult task.

This four-week course will explore assessments as tools for learning, as important and informative as the content assessed when created strategically and participants will demonstrate understanding how assessments have the potential to become an integral part of the teaching and learning process, both for the student and teacher. The course will place emphasis on creating meaningful assessments, and help teachers understand what meaningful assessment creation constitutes.

After completing this course, participants should be able to:

  • Define and analyze what authentic, meaningful, and assessment mean
  • Analyze and discuss real-world relatable, exemplar modeling, and content and assessment language alignment
  • Design a framework for designing authentic and meaningful assessments
  • Input meaningful and engaging questions
  • Discuss assessment reflections, retakes, and data talks

All educators and school leaders in Ras Al Khaimah are eligible.

Mode of Delivery
Virtual Training

About Instructor

+73 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • 3 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate