Maximising the Impact of Using Mind-Maps

Sandra Carter · January 15, 2023

Just as differentiating for students is important, so is mind-mapping, as it can be a tool for differentiation itself. 

Having completed a course on the utter importance of differentiation, it came to light that many teachers do not use mind-mapping to its fullest potential. Mind maps can be used by teachers and students alike. They are particularly helpful (when understood fully) for visual learners and helping students to get started on a project. Mind-maps are also an amazing planning tool. The five-week course will look also at parallel thinking and creative brainstorming to see how we as teachers can use all these tools for successful completion of tasks

After completing this course, participants should be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding the various uses of mind maps, differences between them, when and how to use each
  • Have further clarity on how mind maps can be used in their own learning and teaching
  • Demonstrate understanding creative brainstorming, the importance of delaying evaluation of ideas and transfer information formed by creative brainstorming into a mind map
  • Demonstrate understanding the concept of parallel thinking and how it can help in reaching faster decisions and transfer decisions and information collected from a parallel thinking session into a mind map
  • Create/complete a medium-sized project or task

Mode of Delivery
Virtual Training

All educators and Inclusion teams in Ras Al Khaimah and the United Arab Emirates

About Instructor

+81 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 1 Topic
  • 2 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate