Reexamining and reinventing learning ecosystems post the COVID-19 Pandemic
[add_single_eventon id=”25160″ ev_uxval=”1″]
Note: Please register for a maximum of one workshop per track. All three workshops in each track take place at the same time in different breakout rooms.
Workshops - Track 1
[add_single_eventon id=”25228Â ” ev_uxval=”3″ tiles=”yes” tile_count=”1″ ]
[add_single_eventon id=”25264Â ” ev_uxval=”3″ tiles=”yes” tile_count=”1″ ]
[add_single_eventon id=”25274″ ev_uxval=”3″ tiles=”yes” tile_count=”1″ ]
Workshops - Track 2
[add_single_eventon id=”25303″ ev_uxval=”3″ tiles=”yes” tile_count=”1″ ]
[add_single_eventon id=”25305″ ev_uxval=”3″ tiles=”yes” tile_count=”1″ ]
[add_single_eventon id=”25307″ ev_uxval=”3″ tiles=”yes” tile_count=”1″ ]